Lugnason Falls


IMG_8798The recently ‘made-over’ Lugnason Falls in the hills behind Napo (take the junction off the Government Road at Coco Grove into the hills and look for the signs or ask anyone) are beautiful. The pool was dredged in July by a dedicated group of volunteers and combined with a bit of man-made enhancement it is now a deep several metre pool, possibly 20 metres across. Locals have taking to jumping in to the main pool from 10-15m cliffs (or even the odd tall coconut tree!) and there is also an amazing rope swing that propels the brave high into the air before catapulting them into the main pool. Well worth a visit and part of the appeal is that it is a bit more off the beaten track than Cambugahay Falls and no car park etc, just a sign on the side of the road. You can get water and drink in the nearby village of Napo.



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